I Just Accepted Christ

Next Steps

Find a Church

Connect with a Bible-believing church that’s near you where you can hear the faithful proclamation of God’s Word and build relationships with other believers.

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Consider baptism

Baptism is a public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ. Ask your pastor about participating in an upcoming baptism service to celebrate your new life in Christ.

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Keep Growing

Spend time each day praying and studying the Bible. Find an accountability partner or study group to pray and grow with. Seek God and follow Him!

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Tell us your story!

All of heaven is rejoicing with you! We are also celebrating your decision to follow Christ.

Dr. Youssef would love to send some resources to help you grow in your new faith in Christ, so please share your story and contact information below.

If you would like to speak to one of our counselors about your decision,
please call us at: 833-KNOW HIM (833-566-9446).

Contact Us

Your New Life In Christ